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1. a broken bone

8. a serious situation that requires immediate medical attention

10. the type of broken bone that does not pierce the skin

12. the type of broken bone that comes through the skin

13. any disease-causing organism

15. to close a wound such as a cut by sewing the edges together with stitches

16. measurements such as pulse, temperature, respiratory rate and blood pressure

17. a medicine that skills bacteria

19. the sudden loss of heart function

20. a type of fungus that is a health hazard and that causes respiratory problems

21. a yellowish, whitish thick fluid at the site of an infection

23. an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, low or other damages

24. a type of burn that only affects the top layer of skin

25. a colorless, odorless gas that can cause illness and death

26. a condition when the body does not have enough fluid to function well

27. a critical condition that results when body temperature is too high



2. a wound made when the skin is scraped away

3. a burn caused by hot liquid or steam

4. an injury to the brain usually caused by a blow to the hear

5. a measure of the number of times your heart beats per minute

6. a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disruption in the brain

7. an inflammation of the respiratory tract that usually results in coughing

9. use direct pressure to stop this

11. a cut or wound usually made by a sharp object

14. an immune response by the body to a substance such as pollen, fur, dust or a certain food

18. a measure of the force of blood pushing on artery walls

19. having a dangerously low body temperature

22. a process by which people are assessed for order of treatment






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